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In The Past

Auditing Domain Trust Relationships

Apr 19, 2018

The Power of the Dark Side: Offensive PowerShell Workshop

Apr 18, 2018

PowerShell, Reflection, and the Windows API

Apr 18, 2018

The Unintended Risks of Trusting Active Directory

Apr 07, 2018

Subverting Trust in Windows

Mar 15, 2018

Hi, My Name is “CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US”

Jan 24, 2018

A Process is No One: Hunting for Token Manipulation

Dec 07, 2017

_____ Is Not a Security Boundary: Things I Have Learned and Things That Have Gotten Better from Researching Microsoft Software

Nov 07, 2017

Subverting & Restoring Trust in Windows

Nov 07, 2017
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